Often described as the entreprenurial kid in the bunch, Sebastian is confident and skilled in his ability to ideate, create, and challenge. Passion for throwing shit on the wall and seing what sticks across film, brand and design. With an eye for detail and passion for innovation, Sebastian creates memorabale experiences, communication and concepts.

About me | Contact | Cycling

︎ NOAT (2024 Oct-Present)

Brand Designer (Consultant)
︎ Peach Wellness App (2024 May-2024 Oct)

Art Director
︎ Freelance (2023 Sep-2024 May)

Designer (6mo FTC)
︎ Boid (2023 Mar-2023 Sep)

Marketing & Product Manager (6mo FTC)
︎ Minimis Technologies (2022 Sep-2023 Mar)

Co-founder & Art Director
︎ Necito Reklambyrå (2020 Sep-2022 Sep)

Art Director
︎ Freelance (2017 Jun-2020 Sep)

Film Producer
︎ Freelance (2017 Jun-2020 Sep)

Figma Masterclass @ TheFutur
︎ Course (2023)

Commercial Law II @ Mid Sweden University
︎ Course (2022-2023)

Basic Law I @ Gothenburg University
︎ Course (2022)

Digital Art Direction @ Borås YH
︎ Degree (2020-2022)


A confident and skilled Creative Lead & Designer with a passion for pushing boundaries of the future in design and tech. With an eye for detail and deep understanding of digital trends, I create innovative, intuitive, both futuristic and functional design, that is ready for the future. 

︎︎︎ Resumé
︎︎︎ Contact
︎︎︎ About me

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Peach is an app that sets out to make training accessible for all people, but most importantly, everyone who wants to become a fitness instructor. By creating a platform that takes the hard part out of becoming a standalone fitness instructor, one can achieve their long lost dream of starting their own business. 

The stakeholders and management have had a hard time choosing how they should be portrayed; but the problem persisted. The niched audience wasn’t visually spoken to. By taking key visual elements from their identity manual, we challenged it and managed to provide a template and style that they can comfortably develop and grow into.

©2024 Sebastian Busck