Often described as the entreprenurial kid in the bunch, Sebastian is confident and skilled in his ability to ideate, create, and challenge. Passion for throwing shit on the wall and seing what sticks across film, brand and design. With an eye for detail and passion for innovation, Sebastian creates memorabale experiences, communication and concepts.

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︎ NOAT (2024 Oct-Present)

Brand Designer (Consultant)
︎ Peach Wellness App (2024 May-2024 Oct)

Art Director
︎ Freelance (2023 Sep-2024 May)

Designer (6mo FTC)
︎ Boid (2023 Mar-2023 Sep)

Marketing & Product Manager (6mo FTC)
︎ Minimis Technologies (2022 Sep-2023 Mar)

Co-founder & Art Director
︎ Necito Reklambyrå (2020 Sep-2022 Sep)

Art Director
︎ Freelance (2017 Jun-2020 Sep)

Film Producer
︎ Freelance (2017 Jun-2020 Sep)

Figma Masterclass @ TheFutur
︎ Course (2023)

Commercial Law II @ Mid Sweden University
︎ Course (2022-2023)

Basic Law I @ Gothenburg University
︎ Course (2022)

Digital Art Direction @ Borås YH
︎ Degree (2020-2022)


A confident and skilled Creative Lead & Designer with a passion for pushing boundaries of the future in design and tech. With an eye for detail and deep understanding of digital trends, I create innovative, intuitive, both futuristic and functional design, that is ready for the future. 

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Svenska Djurambulansen

During the advertising competition 48H, Svenska Djurambulansen (eng: The Swedish Animal Ambulance) was the client of the year, who would become the client for all participants. The assignment for us was to produce a print advertisement parallel to a digital ad, which would work as a ”sibling idea” to the main print advertisement.

From our justification to the jury;

How do we show that there is an ambulance for animals? And how do we tell that the ambulance exists thanks to monthly donors and donations? These questions formed the basis for our ad idea.

We want to start the viewer’s brain with strong communication. A headline that gives such ambiguity that the reader has to think. It’s so logical to call 911 in an emergency, but think again. Who do you call when your pet needs urgent care and your car is at the repair shop?

So how do we reach through the noise? Everything is carefully selected. The design should influence the recipient, but not steal attention from the message. A small dog with a big attitude. A dog that talks to the viewer through look and expression. Let the image and headline show the most important message and keep other disturbing elements down. The paradox of a small dog and a cocky tagline becomes a contrast in the message.

The copy should pick up all the important things that are not said at the beginning of the ad. It is short but informative. The effect is next to the logo. The telephone number for the Swedish Animal Ambulance. It coincides with the fact that the owner did not call 112. Our bottom line is more straightforward. It shows how the viewer becomes a monthly donor or contributor. The QR code makes it easy for everyone to become one.

Through the print advertisement, the visitor is attracted to the website, where they are met by the continuation. The continuation is based on storytelling around the animals, and a kind of testimonial idea where the visitor gets to look the survivors in the eyes and hear their story of how they were helped. All thanks to the great work done by the Swedish Animal Ambulance. As a punchline in the concept, we then want to highlight and inform the visitor that through monthly donors and donations, the Swedish Animal Ambulance can continue to save more people like the dog Elsa.

©2024 Sebastian Busck